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Once, there was a CEO of a clothing distribution company who was exceedingly fond of new technology. He loved to buy and show off the latest tools and systems to support the company, which he fondly called his “Empire,” and he became known as the “Emperor.” Although the empire’s requirements were not overly complex, the Emperor longed to own the best and fanciest ERP for distribution companies known to humankind.

Time passed merrily in the distribution company, with new customers arriving daily because the empire’s clothes were of the best quality. Soon the growth put a strain on their entry-level accounting software. One day, two rogues, calling themselves distribution ERP experts, made their appearance. But they were not experts at all, they were imposters!

They showed the Emperor a fancy new ERP system for distribution businesses, which was said to have the most advanced features the realm had ever seen—AI, robust financial reporting, clothing colour/size grid and other flashy features. They boasted that their system was so advanced that it required no manual effort at all – simply a click of a button! It was to be like the finest garment, tailored perfectly to fit the empire’s needs. The Emperor eagerly purchased the fancy new ERP and was excited to show off the flash and bling to the empire’s subjects (er customers).

One day, the Emperor decided to put this new distribution ERP to the test. He wanted an analysis report of the clothing products sold over the previous month. He would present this to the empire’s wealthiest investors at the upcoming roundtable.

As the Emperor and his Chief Financial Officer (CFO) sat down to extract the report, they realized something alarming. While the ERP seemed rich in features, producing the report was no simple feat. Despite the promised splendor, the report came up empty no matter how many times they tried.

Yet, no staff member dared speak up for fear of looking bad in front of the Emperor or admitting that they didn’t see the distribution ERP system’s promised magic. However, the main investor could not keep up the pretense. She decided it was time for the truth to be told. As the Emperor struggled to force the system to perform, she declared the naked truth: “Your Majesty, your ERP has no clothes!

Seeing the opportunity, the CFO stood up to gently explain the facts to the dejected Emperor. “The true might of an ERP for distribution companies isn’t in its glittering array of features that are hard to use but, rather, in its ability to provide the essentials with ease and accuracy.”

The court was silent. The truth resonated like a bell throughout the hall. The Emperor paused, looked at his reports—all missing critical information—and realized the truth.

Thus began the quest for a truly robust yet simple-to-use ERP system under the guidance of Caron Business Solutions, known across many empires for their honest approach and practical solutions. Caron promised no illusions but a simpler solution that genuinely clothed the empire in strength—transparent, efficient, and easy to use.

From that day forward, the Emperor insisted that the utility of any new system be demonstrated plainly and practically. Caron implemented Acumatica, and the empire thrived, with every number in place and every report as clear as daylight.

Caron Business Solutions is in the business of delivering no-nonsense, powerful, and practical ERP solutions that meet the needs of growing empires—and distribution businesses—like yours. Acumatica is one such solution. Rather than fancy flash, Acumatica is more athleisure wear—designed to go anywhere and tackle the every day challenges businesses face. Contact us to learn more.