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Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our website visitors, and are committed to protecting the information that you provide to us. The information below provides an overview of our policies and practices pertaining to the collection, use, retention and disclosure of your personal information by Caron Business Solutions Inc.

Caron attempts to maintain security efforts which are consistent with standard industry practices in Canada. However, complete privacy, confidentiality and security are not yet possible over the Internet. Therefore, Caron will not be held responsible or liable for any harm or loss which may be suffered by an party, resulting from the use, communication or transmission of any information, including private, confidential or sensitive to or from this web site.

We consider “personal information” to be information about an identifiable individual that is not readily available in the public domain in various publications, directories and listings. Accordingly, business related information such as name, title, addresses, and telephone number of employees is not considered to be private information.

We have adopted the ten personal information privacy principles outlined in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Code for the Protection of Personal Information. The CSA Code establishes a standard of personal information protection, based on universally recognized data protection principles.

Reason for Collection
What information do we gather and why?

In general you may visit our website without providing any personal information about yourself. There are, however, times when we need to obtain contact information, such as your name, your postal and/or email address, in order to provide you with the opportunity to register for an event, facilitate downloads, fulfill your requests for information on our products or services, or to subscribe to opt-in electronic communication.

In other instances we may ask you for feedback, to participate in on-line surveys, or provide us with information pertaining to your product interests and/or service needs. At such times you may elect to provide us with information of a public and/or personal nature. Please note that providing any personal information is always optional

How do we obtain information from you?

We collect information directly through response forms that you choose to complete. Our website does not collect personally identifiable information from your computer. This means that unless you voluntarily and knowingly provide us with personally identifiable information, we will not know your name, your email address, or any other personally identifiable information.

Limiting Collection
We will collect information only for the purposes stated above, unless we receive consent from you to collect it for another purpose.

Limiting Use, Disclosure & Retention
We will use and disclose information pertaining to an individual only for the purposes stated above. Moreover, we will retain personal information about you only for as long as we need it to fulfill our stated purposes.

We will not disclose your personal data to any other organizations unless required to do so to comply with a valid legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute or court order.

We will maintain all personal information in our possession in as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is both possible and necessary, in keeping with the purposes for which it was originally collected.

We will protect all personal information in our possession from unauthorized access or alteration or from inadvertent destruction by security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Access to personally identifiable information is limited to only those who have the “need to know”. We make all reasonable efforts to protect your information from theft, misuse, alteration, and inadvertent destruction.

We have identified individuals in our Company who are specifically responsible for our compliance with the CSA code. Their responsibilities include implementing policies and procedures, training employees to protect personal information, and ensuring that third-party links on our site are associated with organizations whose privacy policies and practices are consistent with CSA privacy principles.

Our Privacy Policy is written in plain English and can be readily accessible via a Policy Policy link which appears on every page of our website. General information on our data protection policies and practices are handled by our Privacy Officer, Jackie Lau. Inquiries may be made via
email: [email protected]
telephone: 604.291.6311
or mail: 2025 Willingdon Ave Suite 900, Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3

Individual Access
If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices or wish to make a request in respect of your personal information, please contact [email protected]. Access requests will be handled in a timely fashion.

Challenging Compliance
Any individual may address any issues about our collection or disclosure of personal information by contacting [email protected]

By using our website you consent to the collection and use of information by Caron Business Solutions Inc., as outlined above.

List Removal
If you would like to discontinue contact with us, email [email protected]. Please provide adequate identifying information and indicate which forms of contact you would like to be removed from.

E-Newsletter: You may unsubscribe at any time by selecting the “unsubscribe” button on the subscription form. You may at any time in the future subscribe again to receive opt-in newsletters.

Caron Business Solutions Inc.
2025 Willingdon Ave Suite 900,
Burnaby, BC V5C 0J3


Terms of Use

Disclaimer Notice
Caron Business Solutions (“Caron”) endeavors to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on our web site, however, makes no representations or warranties or in any way guarantees the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of information mounted thereon.

Caron does not accept any liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, or consequential liability, loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the reliance on or provision on, or failure of, this service – whether or not as a result of incorrect, inaccurate, defective, or misleading information, or as a result of any malfunction, error or omission.

Please take a moment to familiarize with our Terms and Conditions. Do not proceed any further in the Caron web site unless you accept the following conditions:

Use This Site at Your Own Risk
Every user who accesses this site does so at his or her own risk. By logging on, you will have deemed to have released and discharged Caron Business Solutions Inc. (“Caron”) from all liability which might arise. You will be assuming all risks associated with the use of this site, including risk of your hardware, software or data being corrupted by any virus which might be transmitted or activated via the site, or your access to it.

Trademarks and Copyright All contents of this website, including the Caron logo and images, are subject to copyright law protection, whether stated or implied – all rights reserved.

The information on this website may only be copied for personal use and may not be reproduced or distributed for any other purpose in whole, or in part, without the prior written permission of Caron.

Caron reserves its rights to take action in respect of any unauthorized reproduction, publication, adaptation, broadcasting, public performance, or other communication to the public of the information contained in these pages.

Hypertext Links
This website may facilitate access by hypertext links to other web sites. Alternatively, web sites may be linked to ours without our knowledge. These hypertext links are entirely independent of this web site. Except as otherwise noted, Caron does not monitor, author, or edit any information provided and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content. Moreover, these links shall not be construed as any reflection on, affiliation with, or endorsement of such sites or entities, or respective products or services.

Links to third party web pages are provided solely for your convenience. Caron assumes no responsibility for the contents of any non-Caron linked Internet web site, or for any potential damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use, or attempted use, of any such link.

As access to and content of linked sites are beyond our control, you are solely responsible when accessing linked sites. You are cautioned to use sound judgment, and common sense in using linked sites.